
Amplifying the Voices of San Antonio’s Small Business Owners and Community Members

The Business Community PAC is a new and dynamic collective dedicated to championing the interests of small business owners and community members across San Antonio. Our mission is to ensure that the voices of everyday San Antonians and small business owners are not only heard but also have a significant influence on city decisions that impact our community.

Our Mission

is to amplify the voices of small business owners and community members, empowering them to influence city decisions and address issues that impact both residents and businesses.

Our Advocacy Efforts

The PAC is focused on addressing several pressing issues that directly affect the community:

1. Construction Management

We advocate for better oversight and management of city construction projects to minimize disruptions to businesses and residents, and mitigate losses caused by city decisions.

2. COVID-era impacts

We work to address the burdensome debt many small businesses have incurred during and since the pandemic, ensuring they receive the support needed to recover and thrive.

3. City Mismanagement and Lack of Transparency

We hold city officials accountable by demanding greater transparency and efficient use of resources.

San Antonio’s economy is 80% small and micro businesses.
We are the backbone of the community that lives, works, and votes here. For too long, the City has isolated and silenced community members who advocate for their own needs—it’s time we stand together and demand accountability, transparency, and priority from our City.”

Your Voice Matters

One of our initial priorities is conducting a comprehensive poll to identify the issues most affecting small businesses and community members. This data will guide our advocacy efforts, ensuring that our actions are directly aligned with the needs of our constituents.

Join Us

The Business Community PAC is calling on all San Antonians—whether business owners or everyday residents—to join our mission.

We aim to ensure that city policies reflect the needs and priorities of those who call San Antonio home.